Entries by Karen Houser

Tell Congress to Oppose New IRS Reporting Provisions

You’ve likely heard about legislation that would require credit unions and other financial institutions to report to the IRS how much money has gone into and out of accounts with a balance of more than $600. Theoretically, they think that having this information could help the IRS collect an extra $463 billion in taxes over […]

REAL FREEDOM from Buy Here/Pay Here Member Story

When Ashley’s Envoy broke down, she pulled it into the Natco lot. Because it was after hours, she called and left a message that the tow truck would be in the next morning around 9:00. Upon checking the messages, an email was sent to staff letting them know the vehicle would be picked up but […]

Earth Day is April 22nd

You’ve heard it time and again: ‘Go paperless!’ With Earth Day approaching on April 22, doing your part to help make our planet a better place can be as simple as enrolling in e-statements. From reducing the number of trees harvested for paper and saving energy on printing, to cutting costs associated with shipping and […]

Flag Dedication

At the request of one of our members, Victor ‘Vic’ Ater, we recently installed a flag pole at our main office. Just in time for Veterans Day, a flag dedication was held on November 9, 2020. Mr. Ater was invited to participate in the flag dedication and given the honor of raising the flag. Cindy […]

Holiday Loans are Back!

As the holiday season kicks off, we understand that our members might need a little extra dough. Our holiday loans are available through 12/31. Apply online or directly with a loan expert by calling 962-2561. APPLY FOR A HOLIDAY LOAN TODAY! Helping people live better lives.  

Please Vote for Our Entry in the BRAvo! Event

Natco is participating in the Reid Health Foundation BRAvo! event again this year. Historically, 4,350 women in Indiana are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Prevention and early detection is key. BRAvo! raises funds to provide free mammograms for uninsured women and financial assistance for women in need. Annually, BRAvo! provides 500 free mammograms to […]