Don’t Fall Victim to Gift Card Payment Scams

We’ve seen an increase in scammers trying to take advantage of our members using gift card payment scam tactics. Our staff has been trained to recognize possible scams. We might ask questions when making large cash withdrawals with the goal of protecting the member and their money. We recently saved a member from falling victim to this kind of scam and losing $22,000!

Watch this short video to learn more about the gift card payment scam so you can recognize it right away.

Scammers instill fear by saying they are contacting you about an urgent financial matter. They say the quickest way to address the matter is to have you buy gift cards and share the numbers on the card. This is a scam! Legitimate businesses will never ask you to pay a fee or debt with a gift card.

If something sounds too good to be true or your gut makes you question an email, phone call, text or other communication, stop in one of our offices or give us a call. We want to help protect your money.

Watch this video to learn about the warning signs of the gift card payment scam.
Gfit card payment scams

April is National Youth Month

April is National Youth Month and Natco is Celebrating our Youth!

To kick off National Youth Month, we are having a coloring contest for Morey account-eligible children (0-12). Our youth savings account is called a Morey the Moose savings. Learn more about the benefits here.

Stop by one of our offices beginning April 4th to pick up a coloring sheet and box of crayons. Or, print the coloring sheet at home and bring it to one of our offices.

All entries must be returned to a Natco office by Friday, April 15th to be entered.

Entries will be judged and one winner from each office will be chosen. Winners will receive a $5 deposit into their Morey Account. If they don’t already have an account, we can open one for them. Winners will be announced on Monday, April 18th.

Stop in our branches and watch Facebook for more youth month information and activities.


Save small. Dream big at your credit union.

We’ve Eliminated Some Fees

As of March 1, 2022, we eliminated the $3 transfer fee!

If you forgot you used your debit card for that coffee and you don’t have enough in checking to cover it, don’t sweat it! If you have an automatic withdrawal set to come out of checking or you write a check and your balance in checking can’t cover it, don’t sweat it!

We will automatically transfer money from your savings account to your checking account to cover the amount needed without a fee!*

Hit with an unexpected expense and you need to access funds in your vacation or Christmas club, no problem. Withdrawals from these accounts can now be made any time during the year without a fee.

*Funds must be available in your savings account to complete the transfer to checking and cover the full amount of the transaction or the item will be returned and an NSF fee will apply.

Food Pantry Donations

Today, we presented the Sylvan Nook Food Pantry and the Crosspointe Biker Church with $1,000 each. We proudly made the donations in lieu of door prizes at our annual meeting. These donations were made in honor of our membership.


Natco staff presents a check to the Crosspointe Biker Church

Natco staff present check to Sylvan Nook Food Pantry

2021 Annual Meeting

Winter Storm Information


The drive-up at each location is open today to serve members. However, our lobbies are closed due to limited staffing.

We are here and ready to serve you at our drive-ups and by text or phone at 765.962.2561.



Due to the current conditions of the roads, all Natco offices and NCEC will operate on a 2-hour delay and open at 11:00 a.m.

All ACH (direct deposit) files will be posted as normal. Again today, there will be a small group working remotely to assist with concerns that cannot wait until we open at 11:00 a.m. Text 765.962.2561 if you need assistance prior to 11:00.



In an effort to keep employees and members safe, we will be closed today (Thursday, February 3, 2022). All ACH (direct deposit) files will be posted as normal today. We have a small group of employees working remotely to assist members. If you have a question or need that cannot wait until we reopen, you can text us at 765.962.2561, call and leave a voicemail or send a secure message inside of home banking. We will respond as quickly as possible.



Because of the impending winter storm, we want to give members access to their direct deposits early, if we received them in today’s file. As a courtesy, at 1:00 pm today, we will be posting all ACH credits that we have received and are dated for tomorrow. This gives members access to their funds early so they can make any purchases today to prepare for the storm. Monitor your account balance and history in home banking, mobile banking, and PAL.  Even if our offices are closed tomorrow, we will post all ACH items that are received tomorrow as per our normal posting schedule.

We are watching the winter storm heading for Indiana very closely. If there are any changes to our regularly scheduled hours, we will post the changes on our website and our Facebook page. We will also send a text message to members who have a valid mobile number on file with us.

If we close one or more of our branches and you have a question or an immediate need that cannot wait until we reopen, there are multiple ways you can contact us. The best ways are by texting 765.962.2561 or calling us at the same number and leaving a voicemail. Members could also send a secure message inside of home banking.

In the event all offices are closed, we will have a limited number of staff members monitoring these queues and responding as quickly as possible, providing power outages don’t prevent us from gaining access to our systems.

For your safety during this winter storm, we encourage you to use our electronic services to obtain account information instead of traveling to one of our offices. Mobile deposit allows you to deposit checks using your mobile device utilizing the camera and using our mobile app. Enrollment is required. Learn more here –

Stay safe and stay warm!

Virtual 2021 Annual Meeting

Over the past few years, we have learned how to adapt, how to use new technology, and find new ways of accomplishing our day-to-day tasks. Our annual meeting is no different. After successfully holding our annual meeting virtually last year, we have decided to do the same again this year. The virtual meeting will be […]

Protect Your Privacy! Stop the IRS from Looking at Your Account

Take Action: Tell Congress to oppose new IRS reporting provisions

Credit unions are closely monitoring an onerous tax provision being considered in a proposed $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better Act” reconciliation package. One measure for this legislation that has been discussed is a proposal by the Treasury Department to require financial institutions to report additional account holder information in an enhanced annual I.R.S. Form 1099-INT.  The House Ways and Means Committee completed its markup of draft infrastructure legislation without the troublesome IRS reporting provision. However, negotiations on the legislation are ongoing and it could still be added before this bill becomes law.

There have been some changes to the proposal but it would still require credit unions and banks to report the inflows and outflows of funds to accounts that have $10,000 or more flowing through over the course of the year. Whereas the Form 1099-INT currently reports taxable activity, this new reporting requirement would not reflect any taxable activity. Instead, what the administration hopes the IRS would be able to do is to use this enormous data grab to identify unreported taxable income. But it’s not clear how the IRS will use this data to accomplish its goal. Further, the federal government’s history of keeping this type of data secure is dubious at best. There may be some exceptions for payroll and Social Security income, but that would only make the process more complicated and costly.

What is certain is that if it is enacted, this proposal will increase the already high compliance burden on all financial institutions. It will also fundamentally change the nature of the information depository institutions are required to report on their account holders, creating new concerns regarding data security and privacy.

Credit union associations have issued an action alert calling on credit union leaders to oppose new reporting provisions that would require financial institutions to report additional detailed account holder information. All consumers are encouraged to take action and contact your members of Congress today, in opposition to this potential IRS reporting provision. Use this ready-to-send form to send your message!

Natco Recognized As First Place State Level Recipient

Indiana Credit Union League announced that Natco Credit Union was selected as the first-place winner of the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Community Service Award for Indiana in the asset size of $50 million to $250 million.

Dora Maxwell was a credit union pioneer who worked with numerous organizations to improve the living standards of the poor and needy. Many years ago, the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Recognition Program was established to encourage involvement in community projects and activities.

Each year, credit unions across Indiana have the opportunity to compete with other credit unions in their asset category for the Dora Maxwell award. This year, we submitted an entry based on our Volunteer Individual Tax Assistance (VITA) program offered through Natco Community Empowerment Center (NCEC). The two-person staff of NCEC found innovative and transformative ways to provide safe alternative methods for collecting tax information and providing finalized returns. During the most recent tax season, they prepared and submitted a total of 1158 returns totaling $1.5 million in Federal refunds and $185,000 in State refunds. By offering this free service, individuals and families saved nearly half a million dollars ($497,940) in fees*. When spent locally, businesses in our area and our economy were stimulated.

On September 10th, Natco Credit Union was recognized as the first-place state winner in the $50 – $250 million asset category. Cindy Duke, CEO, Sherry Dillon, Director of Administration and Innovation and Doug Macias, Community Development Officer accepted the award during the Indiana Credit Union League Convention. As the first-place winner, our entry was forwarded to CUNA (Credit Union National Association) for the national competition.

Natco Receives Dora Maxwell Award

Book an Appointment with a Natco Expert

We are making it easier to meet with a Natco expert for certain appointment types.  You decide how and when we meet.

Available methods include by virtual meeting, by phone or in person.

Currently, you can book and appointment to:

  • Open a New Account
  • Apply for an Auto Loan
  • Apply for a Credit Card
  • Apply for a Personal Loan
  • Apply for a Home Equity Loan
  • Get a Free Credit Score
  • Money Management (NCEC)
  • Job Seeking Assistance (NCEC)
  • Connect to Resources (NCEC)

We invite you to book an appointment the next time you need one of these services.