Receiving alerts about your card keeps you informed and helps detect fraud within seconds. Alerts are designed to help make you aware of purchases made without your authorization. You choose the alerts you want to receive and if you want to receive them as a text message or an email.
Get Purchase Alerts when:
- a purchase is made over a dollar amount that you’ve set
- you are nearing your credit limit
- an online transaction is made
- an international transaction is made
- and many more custom options!
Get Account Notification Alerts when:
- your payment is coming due – you pick the number of days in advance you are alerted
- your account is over the limit
- and more!
Get Account Change Alerts when
- your personal information has been changed such as name, address, phone number, email, or social security number
- If you receive an alert that indicates fraud is occurring, contact us immediately to prevent additional fraud on your account.
How to Get Started
Visit the App or Google store to download the Natco Card Manager app. Once you have set up your card inside the app, you will have access to set your personalized alerts and notification method. You have the ability to update your personalized alerts at any time.