The earlier you start saving for retirement, the better the chance it will actually happen for you. Improve your retirement odds with a Natco IRA! It’s easy to open and you get to pick the type of IRA that is best for you!
Choose between an IRA savings or an IRA certificate. Open an IRA savings for as little as $25 and have the option of making deposits at any time. An IRA certificate can be opened for a minimum of $1,000 and your rate is locked in for 18 months.
Depending on your retirement goals and age, you may want to choose a different path to reach your goals. We offer both traditional IRAs and a Roth IRAs for both savings and certificates.
Traditional IRA
- Contributions may be tax deductible*
- You can elect to have taxes withheld or not
- No age limit for contributions
- Distributions begin at age 72
- NCUA insured
Roth IRA
- Contributions are not tax deductible
- Withdrawals may be tax free
- No age limit on contributions
- No age requirement for distributions
- NCUA insured
*Consult with your tax advisor.